Maskcara News

Maskcara Black Friday Bundles Make The Perfect Gift!

Maskcara Black Friday Bundles Make The Perfect Gift!

I am SO excited! Maskcara is releasing the best bundles on Black Friday! If you are looking for the perfect gift, these specials will do the trick! I PROMISE anyone who is lucky enough to find a Maskcara package under the tree will be extremely happy! I've included the descriptions from Maskcara under each bundle as well as some additional helpful info.  Mint Condition Bundle  "Looking for a sweet, guilt-free indulgence? This pretty and pamper-perfect pair will have your lips and feet in tip-top shape in no time! The Mint Condition bundle includes: milk Mint Lip Conditioner - This smooth and...

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Blog Coming Soon!

Blog Coming Soon!

I am so excited for my new website! Please check back soon for more blog posts! I can't wait to tell you more about life as a Maskcara makeup artist, all of my favorite makeup tips and tricks, and anything else that might be on my mind! xoxo!

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